达飞集团宣布,任命原达飞越南总经理方艾琳(Mrs. Adeline Franger Chouraqui)女士自2023年6月起担任达飞大中华区首席执行官。方艾琳女士主要负责公司包括中国大陆、香港和台湾地区在内的大中华区发展规划和战略部署。与此同时,达飞大中华区前首席执行官何律铎(Ludovic Renou)先生于6月1日起被任命为达飞集团全球业务网络运营负责人,就职于法国马赛总部。
The CMA CGM Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Adeline Franger Chouraqui, the former General Manager of CMA CGM Vietnam, as Chief Executive Officer of CMA CGM Greater China, as of June 2023. Mrs. Adeline Franger Chouraqui will be responsible for strategic development and business growth in CMA CGM Greater China Cluster, including China mainland, HK SAR and Taiwan area. At the same time, Mr. Ludovic Renou, the former CEO of CMA CGM Greater China, is appointed Head of the Global Experience Network in Marseille as of June 1.
方艾琳女士于2007年加入达飞集团,在过去7年中,她先后担任APL新加坡拉美航线主管、ANL亚洲区域总监和达飞越南总经理,对集团在亚洲地区的发展发挥了重要作用。方艾琳女士的行业专业知识、杰出成就和卓越领导能力得到了集团的高度评价,也将是成功领导达飞大中华区向前发展的强大资产。此次任命彰显了达飞集团以BETTER WAYS兑现多元化、平等和包容的承诺,用实际行动引领航运和物流行业向前发展。
Mrs. Adeline Franger Chouraqui joined the CMA CGM group in 2007 and has been instrumental to the group's development in Asia for the past 7 years, successively serving as Head of Latin America Trade of APL Singapore, Regional Director of ANL Asia, and General Manager of CMA CGM Vietnam. Mrs. Adeline Franger Chouraqui’s expertise in the industry, outstanding achievements and strong leadership have been well valued within the group as strong assets for success in leading CMA CGM Greater China forward. With this nomination, the group also demonstrates its commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion in Better Ways, being in the forefront of the shipping and logistics industry as a whole.
On this special occasion, Mrs. Adeline Franger Chouraqui states: "China is the world leading shipbuilder and hosts some of the world’s largest and busiest ports. Chinese market has always been one of the most important and strategic markets for the CMA CGM Group. Under the great leadership of Mr. Ludovic Renou, CMA CGM Greater China consistently achieved steady progress with outstanding results, especially in challenging situations. I am very honored to become new CEO of CMA CGM Greater China and I am confident in the resilience and potential of China's economic development. I will lead CMA CGM Greater China team to offer best-in-class end-to-end solutions to our customers and work with the Group to continue our innovations in shipping decarbonization and digital transformation."
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